Having big issue with unexpected system shutdown

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I am having a big issue with unexpected system shutdown , can anyone explain me what is the reason,my operating system is windows seven 64bit

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 15 points N/A #94358

Having big issue with unexpected system shutdown



Try cleaning your computer. Remove any dust or clumps that might affect its performance. Unplug and plug the parts just to make sure that everything is cleared. Make sure that all the cables are returned and plugged in properly.

Make sure that your PSU (Power Supply Unit) delivers the correct wattage for your computer. It may harm your computer if the PSU is not correct. Computer should be supplied with the correct wattage for it to run smoothly.

One more reason that your computer is switching off is because of not enough memory to be used. Make sure that the memory, RAM, of your computer is still ok and no damaged part.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #94359

Having big issue with unexpected system shutdown


One major cause why a user experiences untimely shutdowns on the computer is overheating of the processor and this is very common when you are using a laptop. I also experience it when on a normal desktop computer but very rare. When a processor overheats, the next thing that the board will do is to immediately shut down the CPU.

You can turn on the CPU again when the processor gets colder. If the processor is still above its limit temperature and you attempted to start the CPU, it will just turn off again. To check if it’s your processor that’s causing it, check if the cooling fan above the processor is working properly.

If it spins a little bit slower or it spins different than usual, you may need to replace it. Another possible cause is a faulty video card and this is also common. But the problem here may exhibit differently with your problem. If your problem is it just turns off for no reason and remains turned off until you start it up again, in a faulty video card you will experience random and frequent system restarts.

It’s like someone pressing on the Reset button of the CPU from time to time. This problem is not only for video cards but for all other expansion cards you install on your CPU like network card, sound card, AGP video card, and so on. One way to check which device is causing it is to remove and reinstall each device one at a time.

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