Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.0 is very easy, and let's say RHEL5.
Make sure you Laptop is configured to boot from CD first, or press a function key to get your boot menu..
Insert RHEL DVD in your CD/DVD..
Boot will start from the RHEL DVD, and you will get 3 choices of installation:
You will press Enter to start the Graphical mode setup.
Skip the media test; it will take a long time, and not needed.
Installation started, Press Next…
Choose English for Language, or your main Language for installation..
Choose Keyboard option language (U.S. English as Default), then click Next.
You will see an installation number, skip it, and click OK.
You will get a skip confirmation, choose Skip..
You will get a warning message to initialize your disk. Click NO.
Be aware, if you choose Yes, this will erase your Windows installation.
Now, the partitioning editor will start, Choose "Create custom layout"..
This will enable you to choose partitions to install the file system, and keep your Windows installation safe.
Linux Needs a boot partition, a swap partition, and a root partition.
The boot size is small (200 MB e.g.)
The Swap size is recommended to be twice your system memory/RAM (if your system has 2.0 GB RAM, make the swap 4.0 GB)
The root is minimum 4.0 GB, but you can make it more suitable to your activity.
You may create a partition for whatever you want under the root, with specific sizes you want.
Now, when you Choose "Create custom layout", click Next.
Choose the free/unpartitioned space to create the system files we described..
Click New, and choose the type as "ext2", mount point "/boot", with space with 200MB fixed size option, and apply it.
Click New, and choose the type as "swap", with space equal twice your system memory/RAM fixed size option, and apply it.
Click New, and choose the type as "ext3", mount point "/", with the space you want, not less that 4 GB (my recommendation) fixed size option, and apply it..
Click next.
For boot loader installation choose "Install GRUB bootloader will be installed on ……", and click Next.
Configure the network settings or leave it automatic DHCP, and click Next.
Choose the Date/Time location settings on the screen, then click Next.
Set a password for the system, and this will be the password for the root user, use a good password with characters upper and lower, and special, and digits..
Then click Next.
Now, you can choose whatever you need of packages supplied, or you may leave it for later installation, and click Next..
Now, you will get a message telling you that the installation will start when clicking Next.
Finishing the installation, the DVD will be ejected, and click Reboot..
The first start of your Red Hat system will be a Welcome message, click Forward..
Choose yes to the agreement, and click Forward..
You will see the Firewall option, choose Enable or Disabled related to the reason you installed Red Hat to, and you may add ports too, the click Forward..
You will see the SELinux (or Security Enhanced Linux) option, I recommend you to choose Permissive, then click Forward..
Don't enable kdump, and click Forward.
Edit your Date/Time settings, then click Forward..
Setup Software update settings are made for Red Hat customers; so you will choose "NO, I prefer………", then click Forward..
You will get a confirmation message, choose "No Thanks, I will connect later", then click Forward for finishing update settings..
Now, you can create users for your system, but if left it empty, you will use the root user to manage your system..
This is recommended for study.
This is not recommended for real activity on a RHEL server system, it is very dangerous, and not safe..
So, Just click Forward, and you will pass this step, and the system user is root only..
The setup will ask you to confirm that you don't want to create any user, so click Continue..
The setup will test the sound, skip it and click Forward..
Now, your RHEL installation is finished, click Finish..
Type username as root, and password you set earlier..
On restarting the system, you will get a boot loader menu to choose whether to start RedHat or Windows OS “Other Operating systems”