Asked By
Corey Joel
0 points
Posted on - 12/11/2013
Hi there,
I have Ubuntu 13.04 which was working okay with Google Chrome, when I upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10, Google Chrome is sending this segmentation fault on start up, I have tried reinstalling Chrome but still getting the same error, what could be the problem here? how do I solve this problem?
Google Chrome segmentation fault on startup
Firefox as a browser is more suitable for your option. However, it appears 32 bit version of the Chrome browser is not compatible with ubuntu 13.10. First try out downloading the latest chrome version and check if it works through normal installation operation. If it does not work then post download move inside the download folder from command prompt using CD command and then type the below command to install the google chrome from debian file and provide the password for the user when prompted.
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
If the installation fails owing to dependency then use the following command which will install the dependencies automatically.
sudo apt-get -f install