Fatal exception how do I resolve it?

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

Why is my Samsung laptop complaining of fatal exception when ever am using the program? I recent update a program on my Samsung laptop and the program start displaying fatal error when am using the program. The fun thing now is that some other program has started this behavior. How can I fix this problem before all programs on my laptop stop working?

Answered By 0 points N/A #190177

Fatal exception how do I resolve it?


Fatal exceptions are one of the most common errors.

Firstly, check the programs that are displaying this exception, if they are compatible with the operating system you have. Next, you may want to try to update the software patches and that you have all the latest Windows updates installed, as well as video drivers. Try to reinstall any recently installed software. Make sure you have enough space, recommended is more than 200 MB of free space. Perform Scan Disk and defragment. Check if the fan is working properly, as sometimes heat can cause numerous issues. Finally, restore Windows to an earlier point. 

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