I am trying to update my windows, but I keep on getting an error, win update error 80072ee2. Does someone know to get rid of this issue and get started with my update?
Facing Win Update Error 80072ee2, Any Fixes?
Hello, the answer to your problem is simple. Just go through the steps that follow.
- Type regedit in the run box which is in the Start menu.
- An Editor window will open; find the folder with the name similar to this, hkey_local_machine followed by some slashes and software and then at the end Windows Update.
- Delete the files, WUServer and the WIStatus Server.
- Then, open services.exe in the same way by typing services.exe in the run box.
- Look for the Windows Update service at the end of the list and then right click on it to restart it.
- Try to update again, this time it will update your PC.