Error while installing CRM Dynamics 4.0

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all. I am a novice so please go easy on me. I was trying to install CRM Dynamics 4.0. I began with the MS Dynamic 4.0 CRM Server install on a DFW-Server02 when I received the window of error message below. Is there a way around this?

Thank you so much.

Action Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server.StartIndexingServiceAction failed.
The specified service does not exist as an installed service
The ASP.NET IIS registration utility failed with the exit code 1 and message: Microsoft (R) ASP.NET RegilS version 4.0.30319.17929 Administration utility to install and uninstall ASP.NET on the local machine, copyright (C) Microsoft corporation. All rights reserved. Start registering ASP.NET (4.0.3031 g.i 7929) recursively at W3SVC/2/ROOT. The error indicates that this version of ASP.NET must first be registered on the machine..

Answered By 30 points N/A #177278

Error while installing CRM Dynamics 4.0

Hi there Joseph P Morris,
The thing is that MS Dynamic 4.0 CRM Server requires ASP.NET installed on your computer. You probably already have one installed in your system, but MS Dynamic 4.0 CRM Server is quite specific about this one and is looking for the ASP.NET version 4.0.
Since you can have multiple ASP.NET versions installed on your system, there is no need to uninstall anything. Just visit the, find the version suitable for your system, download it and install it.
Before everything starts working you will need to restart your computer.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian

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