Error using Excel 2010 PowerPivot addins to connect to Oracle database

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I was using MS Excel 2010 with the PowerPivot add-on to connect to Oracle database when I got this error message, see below.  I checked Oracle and it seemed working fine.  I searched the internet and found a workaround which I followed but couldn’t get it done right. 

Can someone help me here, instead?   Please help.

PowerPivot for Excel

Failed to connect to the server. Reason: ORA-06413: Connection not open.


Best Answer by Drake Vivian
Answered By 80 points N/A #111863

Error using Excel 2010 PowerPivot addins to connect to Oracle database


Hi SheilR,


Below are the solutions on how to solve your problem:

  • Instead of TNS service name in oracle connectione editor ,Specify oracle connection string
  • Here is the format: host:port/service_name
  • Define dummy registry
  1. Open regidit utility
  2. Find the location of hkey_localL_machineSsoftwareWow6432Nodeoracle
  3. Right click the oracle node
  4. Click NEW and KEY
  5. Call the new key and make sure it is in the last entry
  6. Name the property as oracle home

Make sure that you follow step by step instrictions to be able to solve your issue. I'll be glad if you let me know if it worked. Thanks and good luck!



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 30 points N/A #111866

Error using Excel 2010 PowerPivot addins to connect to Oracle database

Hi there SheilR,
The problem you're facing used to be a very well known bug in one of the previous Oracle editions happening when users are using 32-bit Excel on 64-bit machines.
The quickest way to solve your problem is to update your software and your OS and to keep them all up to date or to use 64-bit compatible version of the software.
There is also a simple workaround that will solve your problem – you just have to access the Excel using the shorten path instead of the full one. Full tutorial can be found on the following link.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian 

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