Error shown while trying to join to an ECM

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -



The Auto Configure is an alternative in the connection wizard.

It automatically identifies the correct link of the attached Datalink Adapter.

Then, all valid link possibilities are shown and the client is able to choose the desired link from a list.

Also, Auto Configure can spot the INLINE, INLINE 1, INLINE 2, and INLINE 4 as well as INLINE 5 adapters.

It needs the Datalink Adapter to be linked to the PC as well as the ECM with the button switch on.

When I try to join to an ECM, I find errors 5202 shown on the screen.

I need to solve it. Please help.

Thanks a lot.

Answered By 10 points N/A #154646

Error shown while trying to join to an ECM


This error message occurs when communication between the computer and the datalink adapter could not be established. Please do as  follow to fix it :

1.       Select Help on this window for detailed troubleshooting steps.

2.       Verify that all connections between the computer and the adapter are secure,

3.       Make sure the key switch is in the on position and the datalink adapter power lamp is lit.

4.       Retry or select Auto Configure.

5.       Disconnect all cables, shut INSITE down, reconnect the cables and re-open INSITE.

You can try it, this should fix your problem.

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