I am running Mini Duo OS 10.4.7 and have installed NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3.
I often get this weird error message when I try to save a NeoOffice document.
What could be the cause?
Can I get any solution to fix this problem?
I extremely need your assistance ASAP.
Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks.
NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3
Error loading BASIC of document
General Error
General input/output error.
Error occurs when try to save a NeoOffice document
Hi Eugene!
There is a simple solution that might help you with this is to select all the text and copy it. Then create a new document (command + N) and paste. Save the new document.
Also, I would recommend you not to keep a document open more than a day or two. If you want to save a file before closing it, save it and then close the program. Open it again and continue working. In this way you can avoid this bug.
I would make an observation. I tried and I could save the file in most of the formats, excepting .sxw, .odt, .stw and .ott, so maybe you should switch the format and it will work.
Also, if the error persists, you might want to try switching to another user account, this has proved effective for some users.
Good luck!