Error message when trying to install Lion

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Everyone,

I encountered the error message “An error occurred while running scripts from the package mz.stuhjljp.pkg” when trying to install Lion. To get rid of this error I tried to update Apple Software Updates and tried to install it, but again got an error.

There is a bug that is trying to hinder the downloading from the App Store and Software Updates so I downloaded MacOSXUpdCombo10. 6.8. dmg from the Apple website to get rid of this bug but still it doesn’t work at all. Can someone help me resolve this issue?

I am attaching a screenshot of error for your ease.

Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you in Advance

An error occurred while running scripts from the package mz.stuhjljp.pkg


The installation failed.

The Installer encountered an error that caused the

installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer

for assistance.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #156199

Error message when trying to install Lion


Every time you do an update on your operating system as well as with any other applications, be sure that your system is running in good condition. When I say in good condition, your system should not have any errors like an error in the file system on the hard drive for example, before doing the update. You should check your computer first before proceeding and updating it.

If you are installing a fresh copy of the operating system, check your setup disk if it has scratches on the surface if you are using a disk to install the operating system. This problem is also caused if you haven’t formatted your hard drive properly before doing the installation. To try and fix the problem, format the hard drive using the normal procedure then install the operating system afterwards.

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