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Posted on - 04/04/2012
Hello Gurus,
I was trying to install the CCNA Virtual Lab, Platinum Edition simulation software when I got this error message.
I knew I followed the instructions in the book and coded the correct ID.
I tried to call up the support center but couldn’t get through.
I hope someone from this forum could help me, please and tell me what to do next.
CCNA Virtual Lab, Platinum Edition
Authorization Error
Unknown error -52.
Error encountered while installing CCNA Virtual Lab software
Whatsup Dreynolds, the solution to your problem is with the software.
What you need to do is confirm whether all the files are included in the registry because that might be where the problem is.
This you will do by;
Going to Start > Run > regedit
In the registry window, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareVirtuallabsCCNA
Ensure all the files are added in there
Another thing you may need to do is to ensure there are no junk files in the temp folder by opening My computer > C: > Windows >Temp
In the temp folder, delete all the files under the folder 'Virtual labs'
Restart the software and the program should work.