Error Creating a Directory When Trying to Install Mediascounter’s DL Tool:Mac

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi. I’m using Mac but it’s running on XP via VMware’s Fusion 3.1. and I am trying to install Mediascounter’s Download Tool but I am always receiving an error message telling me that there is an “Error creating a directory”.

I want to know if anybody here has this kind of software running on Mac via emulation because I need to know how you install the software so that I can use it on my computer.

Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #114443

Error Creating a Directory When Trying to Install Mediascounter’s DL Tool:Mac


Causes: This issue is basically related to Windows XP and can be caused by one of the following reasons

1. Insufficient disc space on the hard drive
2. Lack of appropriate permissions

Resolution: 1#
Right Click on Start Menu and click on Explorer.
Right Click on the folder and click on properties.
Select the Security tab and then click on permissions
Select Everyone and click on Full control.
Place a tick in the check box next to Replace Permissions on Subdirectories and Click ok.
Click on Yes if there is a prompt confirming the replacement of permissions on all subdirectories.
Click OK in the folder name properties dialog box.
Run the installation again and make the sure the installation path is using the folder with this modified security.

Resolution: 2 #

Ensure there is sufficient free space in the hard drive.

Resolution: 3#

 Right click on System go to  Properties, click on Advanced system configuration.
Click on Environment variables.
Change temp and tmp to a folder inside a NTFS drive, like C:temp.
Make sure that temp exists.
Click on Apply and then OK.

NB: Ensure that you are logged in as an administrator of Windows XP.

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