Error connecting Change Lister to SQL Server

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

When trying to connect Change Lister to SQL server using the Microsoft Dynamic server, I get the following error message.

Change Lister to SQL server using the Microsoft Dynamic server

What should I do? Please help me.



The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server cannot connect the Change

Listener to SQL Server because of the following error: Cannot 

open database "Demo Database NAV (6-0)" requested by the 

login. The login failed. 

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

Answered By 20 points N/A #94323

Error connecting Change Lister to SQL Server


Hey Kingruiz!

If you are facing this problem you just have to update your Custom Settings.config file with some new database name.

To update the Custom Setting.config, follow these steps:

  • <?Xml Version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • <appsetting>
  • <!–
  • The network protocol used to access the database.
  • Valid options: Default, Namedpipes, Sockets
  • –>
  • <Add key="NetType" value="Default"></add>
  • <!–
  • Name of the database server to connect to.
  • –>
  • <Add key="DatabaseServer" Value="TOMASZNC6320"></add>
  • <!–
  • Name of the database instance to connect to.
  • –>
  • <Add Key="DatabaseInstance" Value=""><add>
  • <!–
  • Name of database to connect to.
  • –>
  • <Add key="DatabaseName" value="Extended Demo Database {Rs} |"><add>
  • <!–

After doing all this, just restart your program and say goodbye to the error.


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