Error Code 0x8024402f Occur During The Upgradation Of Windows 8

Hello Experts, please help me regarding upgradation of Windows. Some unknown error encountered while upgrading my PC. Kindly, suggest some solutions to overcome the error.

Hello Experts, please help me regarding upgradation of Windows. Some unknown error encountered while upgrading my PC. Kindly, suggest some solutions to overcome the error.
Hi, I will help you out with this problem. And I will suggest some steps to get rid of these errors.
Here’s the steps to fix the problem:
Provide me suggested updates the same way I receive
significant updates. Windows updating time give me updates for other Microsoft products.
NOTE: After upgradation, change the settings of the control panel as it was before.
I hope this information is helpful to you. If there still any error pop up, go to the software engineer.
If you have Microsoft Windows 7 and you want to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 8, first, you need to make sure that your computer meets the requirements. This means you need to know the system requirements of Windows 8 and make sure that your computer is completely compatible.
For Microsoft Windows 8, it requires 1 GHz or faster processor with PAE, NX, and SSE2 support, 1 GB RAM for 32-bit and 2 GB RAM for 64-bit, 16 GB free space for 32-bit and 20 GB free space for 64-bit, and Microsoft DirectX 9-compatible video card with WDDM driver. Your monitor should support a minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution to be able to access the Windows Store.
If you want to enable snap apps, your screen should support a minimum 1366 x 768 screen resolution. If your computer supports the above specifications then you are good to go to install Microsoft Windows 8. Additionally, if you want to install Windows 8, you should then immediately update it to Microsoft Windows 8.1 to have a continued support.