ERROR 2100: HDD0(Hard disk drive) initialization error(3) Press to continue

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

On bootup, I am, on a regular basis getting the following error on my laptop LENOVO T61 ThinkPad. I am able to reboot once or twice to get it to boot into windows.

My worry is at some point I won't be able to get around the error: ERROR 2100: HDD0 (Hard disk drive) initialization error(3) Press to continue.

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
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Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #113874

ERROR 2100: HDD0(Hard disk drive) initialization error(3) Press to continue


Error 2100 is an initialization error of the main hard drive which is drive C. As what is listed on the numeric error codes for Lenovo ThinkPad on Lenovo’s website. If you know how to reset the hard drive, it just might help solve the problem.

Or you might want to ask someone who knows how to reset its hard drive or just ask a qualified technician to check the hard drive if it is really possible to reset it. You might also want to try deleting the partition of your hard drive and creating a new one so you can be sure that your drive’s partition is properly created.

But always remember that deleting your drive’s partition is somewhat like formatting your hard drive, completely erasing all of the contents of the hard disk.

If you decide to delete the partition, be sure to backup your important files on another drive or disc so you can copy it back afterwards. After you created a backup, you can immediately delete your drive’s partition.

After deleting the current partition, you must create a new partition. When the partition is created, format it using FAT32 or NTFS file systems. You can install Windows now after the format.

If, on the other hand, formatting and reinstalling Windows didn’t help fix the problem, you may need to replace your laptop’s current hard drive.

Answered By 5 points N/A #113875

ERROR 2100: HDD0(Hard disk drive) initialization error(3) Press to continue


There is an available patch in Lenovo that address your issue.

But I'm not sure if this patch is available in Windows 7.

You can download the patch here.

But before you download, please check on the readme file that identifies your problem and your new hard disk model number. If this didn't work, try to contact the Lenovo and ask for assistance.

If your hard disk is still under warranty, ask for a replacement.


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