Error 0x80072746 Windows Mail.

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I received this error 0x80072746 while browsing through Windows Mail. What does this mean? How can I remove this error?

Answered By 10 points N/A #322778

Error 0x80072746 Windows Mail.


The error 0x80072746 Windows Mail is the error that occurs due to closing the app forcibly by the remote host. It happens mostly in Windows Mail. It arises when users try to sync the app to view new E-mails. You see this message usually ‘was having a problem downloading messages.’ Make sure you have a connection and your account information is correct, and then ‘try again,’ and then the error code appears 0x80072746.

To fix this you need to make sure you have the right VPN connection if you don’t have a VPN connection that protects your privacy, it could be that the error has arrived due to external firewall the Bitdefender and AVG are known to cause this issue. If you have the VPN connection installed and still this error have arrived, it is due to the application does not apply to VPN server or the server machine certificate is not installed in that particular VPN. You need to start troubleshooting.

If you did not have the VPN, then the chances are of an external firewall to remove this error you need to disable your firewall reopen the Windows Mail client and check whether you can sync. If you are able to sync that means the external firewall is preventing you with this error from your E-mail client to your email server. One of the most popular ways to solve this is to download the svchost.exe in firewall settings. If you are using the Bitdefender’s firewall, you need to change it into Trusted Network.

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