Eclipse isn’t running since I upgraded from open-jdk to Oracle JDK 1.7

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I upgraded from open-jdk to Oracle JDK 1.7 today. Since then my eclipse isn't running. And when I run eclipse I get the following error and it’s not running. Can you provide me any solution to resolve this problem immediately? I would be really grateful to you.

An error has occurred. See the log file /home/buffer/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.7.0_155965261/ configuration/1353661404058.log.


An error has occurred. See the log file




Answered By 5 points N/A #170971

Eclipse isn’t running since I upgraded from open-jdk to Oracle JDK 1.7


Hi EarlLShryock,


There are some ways to fix your problem in having an error like this buy:

Delete this file "your workspace/. metadata/. plugins/org. eclipses. core. resources/. snap"

Or delete this file can be found in ". plugins" folder "org. eclipse. e4. workbench"

Uninstalling the JSK and install it again

Uninstalling your Eclipse and install it again

Uninstalling your Eclipse then download the latest version and install it to your computer.

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