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Posted on - 06/03/2012
I heard that Samsung Galaxy S3 has roared to the top of uSwitch Tech's Mobile Tracker, ending the white version and update iPhone 4S all too brief tenure of the number one position.
Is this new Samsung Galaxy S3 can be big threat for the iPhone 4S? Does it will affect the consumer's choice to which phone they going to buy?
Does Samsung Galaxy S3 can be a big threat for iPhone 4S
Samsung SII definitely had been definitely a competitor of iPhone 4S. We can't say yet for SIII until iPhone 5 arrived. Â Most think that this two are the one who has the competition.
Who will be the chosen one of the people? It is all up to you, on what you need and what you want… 🙂
Does Samsung Galaxy S3 can be a big threat for iPhone 4S
Samsung SIII works on Android, while iPhone 4S works on iOS. At the end of the day, it's basically the personal choices that people make. Some would prefer one while others would prefer the second option. When it comes to functionality, both these phones are more or less the same. They can perform similar operations. Even the apps, most of the apps are common in Apple store and google play store. Even the price of both the phones is pretty much the same. I guess the main difference is the OS itself. While android is open source, it can be customized to a great extent, while this is not the same for iOS.
So, I guess at the end of the day, it really depends on your own personal choices. Samsung SIII has definitely matched the hype and expectation, but it's the consumer to decide what is best for him.
Hope this helps!
Drianna allen