Displays / Monitors

Displays / Monitors

Has your Samsung phone ever shown “Camera Failed” error? Thinking of a new phone or selling it off? See the hack, and your phone is ready to shoot!

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Recently I bought brand new Nokia Lumia 635 and was going through the available settings. I wanted to the texts to be bigger, more beautiful with beautiful fonts and rich apps. Can anybody share the details on setting the required color as font color?. What are the available color options? What all fonts are available by default? How to download new fonts? As of now I just want to change the color of the fonts in my Nokia Lumia mobile. Please share the details on how to accomplish this so that I can continue exploring more about windows Phone.

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The display of my android smartphone all of a sudden turns purple before switching off itself.  It's not the first time I am observing this but it has happened sometimes before.  I don't understand what triggers this but somehow any time, though frequently, I would notice my Huawei Ideos screen suddenly turns to purple color before switching off.  When I turn it on again, the display looks just fine…I am fearing my Huawei ideos smartphone might be failing.  Has someone experienced the same problem?

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Hello, I purchased Asus Fonepad couple of month back. I saw unbelievable thing on last week, charging logo is replaced  with question(?) mark. Then I tried to hold the volume down+power button down, hold the power button down for few seconds, charged it for few hours but get no result.


Let me know how to recover this?

Thank you in advance for your kindness.

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I have read in different places that Comcast is the best application that you can use to mirror a tablet to a TV. However, I need to mirror a laptop or desktop to TV. Can Comcast do that. If yes, how do I make the settings? If there are other options, inform me please. It is not necessary that it should be wireless. 

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I am very interested in the future of curved screens. Yesterday I saw a curved TV screen and I am very interested in the Samsung edge. I want to know how does curve screen influence future gadgets. In the case of a TV how does the curved screen impact on image?

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I am currently thinking of getting a Samsung edge. Firstly what are the main advantages of a Samsung edge over the Samsung note 3? Also what does a curve screen bring in terms of ease of access for the phone? Is the curved screen an extension of the screen or does it work separately?

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I have a GSM phone that I noticed that I cannot make a call in the 3G network compared to the 2G network without dropping. I thought the reverse would hold, could there be a problem with my phone ors its the network provider on the 3G service? I wanted to be able to utilize the 3G network

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I have a smart phone that on an android platform, I have tried to enter my Google password and Id and it will not pick up, This is my for the time experiencing this. Could it be that someone reset my user details? Who can I rest this? I have an alternative email but that was not listed for the Google account.

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My monitor displays a black screen and says no signal even when I turn on my computer. I though maybe the wire is damaged, I tried the attachment wire on another monitor and it worked. Now I am sure it is a problem with my monitor. What is wrong with my monitor? How can I repair it if it is possible? Can it be a driver issue?

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