Difference between Interbase XE 64 bit database from Nhibernate

What driver should I use if I want to connect to Interbase XE 64 bit database from Nhibernate? Or is there really no work around on this?

What driver should I use if I want to connect to Interbase XE 64 bit database from Nhibernate? Or is there really no work around on this?
You can use the InterBase ODBC Driver from Easysoft, it supports the usual versions of Windows that we use such as 7, XP, Vista e.t.c. The download link and more details on the driver can be found here: https://www.easysoft.com/products/data_access/odbc_interbase_driver/index.html
Another driver I have found is dbExpress driver, this also has similar support for various versions of Windows and works for Interbase (including the XE 64bit) as well as Firebird. More information on this driver and download link can be found here: https://www.devart.com/dbx/interbase/
Overall though I would reccoment to try the ODBC driver first as Easysoft is well known for making reliable drivers and from the details the link gives on it, the particular driver seems to have extensive features.
Hope this helps.