Dell Inspiron “Exception Processing Message, Parameters” Error
I am using Dell Inspiron. Recently pop up is coming and shows some errors. But I just denied those errors because there was no problem with that. There was an icon in the desktop which have automatically created. So, I just removed the icon form desktop. Then an error message comes up which says that ‘Exception Processing Message, Parameters and shows some numbers. I have selected cancel and lead to shutting down the computer. Whenever I am starting the system it will go to the log in screen and automatically coming a Black Screen with safe mode in the corners and displaying at the top that Windows 7 Home Premium. Also displays a message that ‘Scanning for hard drive errors’. It will help to solve the issue and it may take some time to finish’. The scanning process detected a hard drive problem such as boot sector problem. Install Windows Safe mode software to detect and fix the hard disk errors. The McAfee message is also coming without activating it. I have tried by ending the process through Task Manager. But there was no change in the result.