Delete bulk Distribution Lists on AD

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

My boss gave me 250 distribution lists for deletion. It will be very strenuous to search it one by one in AD User and Computers (ADUC) list. But the only way I know is to delete it that way. Is there anything that I can do to make my job faster? And also, are there any risks when deleting numerous distribution lists? Kindly please help me. Thanks.

Answered By 0 points N/A #117546

Delete bulk Distribution Lists on AD



The quickest way to delete distribution lists is to first launch the active directory users and computers, locate the console tree, and then double click on the domain node. From there, select the folder that has the distribution group, and then right-click the applicable distribution list in the details panel.

Next, click on the option “Delete” which is on the menu, and on the other hand, you can click the appropriate distribution list or group, and then click on the option “Delete”. You should remember that, when a distribution list is deleted, it will involuntarily be detached from all of the other distribution lists of which it is a component.

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