Active directory how can i find all computers in Domain

Asked By 1210 points N/A Posted on -


Active directory ,how can i find all computers in Domain

I have a large OU structure in AD. I want a easy way to export all computers in all OU's into a file.

Thanks as always.


Best Answer by Trick
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #125785

Active directory how can i find all computers in Domain


Hey there, Trick here.

Here's how you can view the entire users in a domain in Active Directory:

  1. Go to Start and then Programs, then to Administrative Tools.
  2. In Administrative Tools, click Active Directory Users and Computers.
  3. Look for your domain name and right click on it, choose Find.
  4. A find box should open, in there choose Custom Search.
  5. In the In box, choose Entire Directory.
  6. Choose Field and then User.
  7. Click Logon Name.
  8. Leave the Condition box and set to Starts With and the Criteria box set to "*".
  9. Lastly, go ahead and click Find Now

And that's it. Hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #125786

Active directory how can i find all computers in Domain


In Active directory all users and computers are listed already and you can just make a copy form there and make a file for such computers if they are in a group and have different policies then you can check that groups and then copy them from groups and keep them in a file. Although if you want  to see a new computer which is adding to your domain then you can just click find in active directory to locate that computer but this new one also require permission such as admen password to join domain. If in active directory you are as a admen then you must have access to all computers and you can see all activities on that computers.
I hope this will work fine.

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