Could not create Java Virtual Machine

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I was opening an ominscope file on my computer the other day and got an error that goes like this:

Could not create Java Virtual Machine".

I attached a screenshot below.

How do I fix this?

Thanks a bunch.

Java Virtual Machine Launcher

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.




Best Answer by Mclean Buono
Answered By 60 points N/A #190366

Could not create Java Virtual Machine


Hi, Joseph Abbott

As you know, from Google you can find a lot of forums but the chance of getting the right solution depends on where you post your problems. We have so many different forums get overcome from the error that Could not create Java Virtual Machine.

So classifying and posting them on relevant forums is the best way to get your answer step by step.

I can suggest you a good forum, link is given here:

just check it


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #190367

Could not create Java Virtual Machine


Hello Joseph,

This occurs when enough memory is not available at the point when the installer is trying to create a virtual machine.

It could be possible that there may be several programs running while you are running the installation.

You may try the following –

  1. Close all applications, restart your computer and try to install once again. This might work as not too many applications might be consuming memory while you are trying to install Java. OR,
  2. You may first try closing as many applications as possible, additionally if you are using Windows, use the task manager to see the memory usage and even try closing the applications or processes which are not be useful.

Hope this helps fix the error.


Mclean Buono

Answered By 0 points N/A #190368

Could not create Java Virtual Machine


Hi Joseph,

According to your question, here providing all solutions are good. I recommend you for more information visit this Techyv page and get more idea to solve this issue.

Java installation error – can not create virtual machine

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