Convert excel to web pages

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I'm working with a project right now. I need to convert excel to web pages. How to convert excel to web pages?

Can you please help me?


Best Answer by Aeron Hogyu
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #104714

Convert excel to web pages


I am currently using MS Excel 2003, but the same procedure applies if you are using another version of MS Office.

In order to convert your excel spreadsheet into a web page, just follow these simple steps:

  • Open the file you want to convert. Click File and select Save As.
Click File and select Save As
  • In the drop down menu of the Save As Type, select Web Page (or Single File Web Page if you want to use it as an HTML), choose a destination and enter a file name, then click Save.
Save As Type, select Web Page
  • You can preview your saved excel web page by clicking it on your chosen destination as illustrated.
Preview your saved excel web page Preview it on chosen destination as illustrated

I hope this helps!

Answered By 0 points N/A #104715

Convert excel to web pages


This how to convert excel to web pages, first open your excel application and open your existing file, click File > Open, then select a specific content by using your mouse by clicking and dragging on it from the area such range of cells that you want to publish on the web page, then click Save As option or clicking the Microsoft Office button to bring up the dialog box. Choose web pages option using the Format drop down menu.

After that click the Workbook , Sheet or Selection option, to specify the specific data, that you want to publish on your web page, then click Web Options to specified web page elements, the title and the key words.

Click some various of tabs and enter or select your other preferences from the menu, then click Ok if you're done.

To save, click Save button to record your selections HTML file.

You must place the file from other supporting files on your web to publish your excel as a web page.

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