Change language Danish to English in Excel

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi expert using an Apple Mac book. I need a help. How can I change language Danish to English in Excel. My PC’s default Excel language is Danish. It is made to trouble for me. Suggest the solution for this problem. Please explain with some video tutorials.

Answered By 50 points N/A #185626

Change language Danish to English in Excel


Hello! To change the default language of Excel, you must first change the default language of you PC and then change the default language of your Office software. You may refer to the Microsoft Office web site for detailed instructions on how to change your default language on your computer and the default language in your Office programs. However, it seems that you indicated you're using Mac, you may google more on how to go about this but how to change the language for your Office is relatively still the same. Microsoft Tutorial Link

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