Change Default Search Engine Internet Explorer.

How to change default search engine in internet explorer from bing to Google provided that my internet explorer version is Internet Explorer 11 and my windows edition is windows 10?

How to change default search engine in internet explorer from bing to Google provided that my internet explorer version is Internet Explorer 11 and my windows edition is windows 10?
Follow the following steps to change default search engine in internet explorer 11:
1. You have to change add-ons in order to change default search engine.
i) You can go to add-ons by clicking on 'settings' which is at the uppermost right corner of the screen just below the close button. After clicking on settings click on Manage add-ons.
ii) You can also go to add-ons by clicking on settings and then click on internet options. Go to Programs and then click on Manage add-ons.
2. Now a window will open named Manage add-ons. Click on search providers, by default only bing is present in search provider because it comes with the internet explorer.
3. To change your default search engine to Google click on find more search providers option present at the bottom of the screen.
4. Once it opens find Google and click on add.
5. On clicking add it will prompt you to confirm your decision of adding this search provider, check the option of using it as your default search engine and click on add.
6. Now again go to settings and then to manage add-ons. Click on search providers. Now you will see Google as default search provider. Click on bing and at the bottom, there will be an option of remove. Click on it as now you want Google to be your default search provider.
NOTE: You can also set any search provider as default search engine by clicking on that search provider and then clicking on set as default option present at the bottom of the screen.
Congratulations, now Google is your default search engine.