Change the “browse” button’s value of an input file

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I want to personalize the browse button of the input file type.

By default, the value of the button on this input type is "Browse", so I want to change its value to "Find a file" or something like that.

I looked for a solution but till no way, I guess I can do that using CSS, so please provide me with a full working solution.




Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #97069

Change the “browse” button’s value of an input file


Just go for the html tag in the html file <input type="submit" value="Browse" name="Browse">

Change this tag to <input type="submit" value="Find a File" name="Find a File">

That's it!


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #97071

Change the “browse” button’s value of an input file


Most of the time, the simplest way of writing a form in an HTML page is like this:

<form action="<URL>" method="get">

<input type="submit" name="get" value="Download"/></form>


<form action="<URL>" method="post">

<input type="submit" name="get" value="Download"/></form>

With this example, what you see written in the button is the word “Download”. To change this to the text you want, just change the text “Download” to your desired text, “Find a file”.

Here is how the code will look like:

<form action="<URL>" method="get">

<input type="submit" name="get" value="Find a file"/></form>

If you want to learn more about forms and other HTML tags and maybe a little of JavaScript programming You may visit

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