I was wondering if you all can help me with something.
I'm using Microsoft Outlook 2007 with Windows XP 32 bit SP3. Is there any way to create a message that cannot be printed and cannot be edit by the recipients ?
A friend of mine said that it can be done by tinkering with the menu Tools -> Option but I have looked everywhere still didn't give results that I'm looking for. After a little bit 'interrogation', I find out that she was using Microsoft Outlook 2003. Can it be done in Microsoft Outlook 2007 as well ? I have some emails that I need to send and the data in the emails is a bit sensitive so they cannot be printed as hard copy and cannot be edit as well.
I need those emails send by the end of this week. Can anybody help me please ?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Cannot Print Email in Outlook 2007
Hello Katherine,
You will need to use (IRM) Information Rights Management on Outlook 2007. By using IRM, it prevents the recipient from forwarding, copying, modifying, printing, or otherwise using your content without your permission.
Follow these instructions to restrict your messages using IRM on Outlook 2007.
1. Start Outlook 2007 and Open your message to be restricted.
2. Click the Microsoft Office Button, then point to Permission and click “Do Not Forward”.

Note: If you do not have the IRM installed, Outlook will display a dialog box that will guide you to installing IRM service on your Outlook 2007. Follow the installation wizard. After installing the IRM in your Outlook 2007, you will be returned to your message form indicating that the message is protected by IRM.
3. The info bar displays "Do not forward". It means that this message is protected by IRM.
4. Address the message and add the message body and attachments, if any, as you would for any other message. Then send the message.
Hope this helps.