Can’t share a file using my file sharing port

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I’m using a windows 7 OS on my computer and I can’t share a file using my file sharing port. I encounter the server message block while I’m trying to share a file. I’ve seen forums using PING to check the connectivity of the file sharing. How can I check on what is the problem? Thank you for your response

Best Answer by Huffman Serafin
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Answered By 0 points N/A #168816

Can’t share a file using my file sharing port


Hi Dustin Albas,

First, you have to check the connectivity of your network, in order to check that, please access some website like, etc. If you have viewed their original pages, the problem is the server for sharing is down and is not accessible, to fix that, you have to PING the server by going to start > type 'cmd' > press enter. At the console, type -ping <IP of the server> and see if the connection is timing out. If so, the server's down.


Answered By 5 points N/A #168817

Can’t share a file using my file sharing port



Turning on Windows firewall may cause File sharing not to respond. This is because, file sharing requires the system to respond to unsolicited incoming traffic on your port. Try turning off your firewall and Make sure you enable the File and Printer Sharing exception and then try sharing your files again. Am sure this time you will be successful.

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