Hi, I am new to Linux and I'm trying to install and configure various server applications on Linux. But I have a problem with the FTP server that I cannot connect through the local network. I haven't made any major changes in 'vsftpd.conf' file I have set ' anonymous_enable= no ' and others set to default and the service also running fine.
Unable to connect VSFTPD server on Fedora 19
To successful install and configure ftp server in Fedora you need first to update Fedora with yum update -y. When it finishes updating install vsftpd. After yum installs vsftpd you need to add it in system services. Fedora uses systemd and adding deamons to system services is different then in distributions using sysV, upstart ot OpenRC. In terminal type systemctl start vsfptd.service. Now you have to configure it. Configuration is done in /etc/vsftpd. Locate there vsftpd.config and open it in any txt editor as root. Here is complete guide brought this Fedora vsftpd wiki. when you configure it, save config file and reboot your PC.
Queen Norman