Calculation MS Excel Percentage Formula Automatically

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone, I have to create a report of my class student in an excel sheet in which I have to sort the list of the student according to their percentage. Is there any MS Excel Percentage Formula which could make my work easier?

Answered By 0 points N/A #307532

Calculation MS Excel Percentage Formula Automatically


Excel is a Microsoft office package which works on File System and also uses for database purpose.

It supports many mathematical operations such as arithmetic operations and Percentage etc.

For example, if we are wishing to calculate 30% of 500.

Then you need to write 30% multiply on 500.

So finally you have to type in any Excel cell:


Finally, the result will be 150.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #309737

Calculation MS Excel Percentage Formula Automatically


That would be easy. You only need to sort the students by percentage. You just need to enter the list normally like the name of the students and their respective percentage and when you are finished, you need to select all the data needed to be sorted. Here is an example:

Enter the list normally
Enter the list normally

Once the list is prepared, highlight the data to be sorted.

Highlight data to be sorted
Highlight data to be sorted

Next, in “Home” tab, in the “Editing” ribbon, click “Sort & Filter” then select “Custom Sort”.

Select Custom Sort
Select Custom Sort

In the Sort window, configure the settings. Under “Column”, select the column where the percentage is listed. In the example, the percentage is listed under column K so I select “Column K”. Under “Order”, select either “Smallest to Largest” or “Largest to Smallest” to set the sort order and then click “OK”.

Configure the sort order
Configure the sort order

And that’s it. The data should now be sorted according to their percentage.

Sort result
Sort result

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