I just bought a new computer which is running in Windows Vista and I have a BsPlayer installed on it. I love to watch videos so I have an .avi file and other for srt subtitles . That’s why I tried playing my video with it since I know that BsPlayer reads really well subtitles which are in srt format.
And now I am encountering a problem, for I am only seeing a black screen except for the audio, which is good and the subtitles that is perfectly showing on the screen.
Can somebody tell me what is happening? Do I have to download anything for me to be able to see the video properly?
BS Player turns black screen
That is possibly no problem with the BS Player but it is most likely problem with the video that you are trying to play. Have you tried playing the video with an alternative media player that you have on your computer just to see if it is working properly. If you have not then try that. I suspect that the video file is corrupt, and that is it can only produce the sound and not show the video. In case the video is on a CD, you will need to try cleaning that file just in case dust has accumulated on it. But if it has scratches then you cannot be able to play it.
BS Player turns black screen
The hardware acceleration settings might be too much for your graphics card to handle. To solve this problem, try to slow it down by doing these steps:
1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Click Adjust Screen Resolution under Appearance and Personalization.
3. Click Advanced Settings.
4. Under the Troubleshooting tab, select Change Settings.
5. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider to a lower setting.
6. Click Apply then click OK.
7. Restart your computer then check if the video playback is already fixed.