Hello friends,
Blue ray drivers for Vaio seems not working properly. As I tried to play movies in the blue ray player it doesn’t even give a sound, it doesn’t want to play any movies. I am worried and confused on what’s happening. I think this has to do with blue ray drivers? My current operating system is Windows 7 64 bits.
Thanks and Regards,
Lindsay Wendy.
Blue ray drivers for Vaio seems not working properly.
Have you tried installing an application on your laptop using your optical drive or blue-ray drive? If so and if it is working properly then we can conclude that there’s no irregularity or any dysfunction with your blue-ray drive. As you have said, you only intend to play a blue-ray movie but it suddenly won’t play any movie and it turns mute. Try installing codec’s first before trying to play a movie. A codec is a freeware and you can download it for free.Â