Any idea to resolving msn recorder sound problems?
Recently voice sound has been captured using msn recorder and detected noise in that recording.Is there any idea which resolve msn recorder sound problems to get a noiseless sound?
Recently voice sound has been captured using msn recorder and detected noise in that recording.Is there any idea which resolve msn recorder sound problems to get a noiseless sound?
Hi there Bettyfrance,Â
Voice recording is a great plug in for messenger nowadays that would help us keep track of our conversations. Nevertheless, you need to follow these instructions to help you solve your problem :
1. Check the Volume Control – Double click on the volume control icon in the system tray, this is located on the right hand bottom side of the screen. You might need to see if your microphone is muted.
2. Right click the same icon and then select "Adjust audio properties."Â A window "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties" will appear.Go to a tab named "Voice", and check what device was selected as the voice recording tool.On the drop down menu check if you have the right name installed and selected and then choose "test hardware" option to test the mic.
3. You need to make sure your microphone is working fine.
Waall Mike
Dear Berryjfrance;
To get a noiseless and quality sound from msn sound recorder, you have to check out the MIC setting from control panel.
Make sure the MIC is connected properly. And when you are recording any sound, be aware of any environmental noise.
I am giving you software named Audacity, which is useful to remove noise from a recorded voice.
So just need to install it, load the recorded file, and check for noise and from effect menu click on noise removal tool. Â Â
I think it will be helpful for you.
 I am very glad to receive your interesting problems. And I am willing to give some important references.
Firstly I would like to say about AthTek . This is an excellent freeware for performing voice recording without noise. You will be able to record voice from microphone, line-in, internet streaming etc.
Another option for you is Pocket Dictate. It is professional for palm size pocket PC. There is a single button to dictate. After recording the dictation will be compressed. It is bulky of only 1.05MB.
I hope these will be helpful for you unless your msn disgusting noises.
Shifflett Laurel