I changed our web application from classic modem Authentication to claims based Authentication and this is where my problem started. I can’t login to my windows account anymore, an error is stating “access denied error”. But when I try to add user group with full read access permission I can be able to login. Please help me fix this so that old users can still access their account without adding them again in the User Policy.
Access Denied Error after changing Web Application Authentication
Hallo Stephen Perez,
I think there was a part that you could have possibly missed during the configuration, and that should be in the central administrator's site, and therefore you will have to check it and modify it.
You should modify the account such that the account name will be in a format that will share-point the internal activities and therefore be able to keep track of the activities. The format of the name should be something like MembershipProviderName:accountName, meaning that the account name for username will be ADProvider:username.
Also make the following modifications:
You will need to double-click the username and then add it to the Add box, and when done that click OK.
You will then select the Full Control option and then click on finish so as so save the changes.
That should help you fix the problem.
Mahesh Babu