Access the bios to change the boot

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone,

Who could help ? I have a Dell Inspiron laptop and I have the password to access the bios, to change the boot and reinstall Windows. I'd like to flash this one and remove all of this words password.
When I tried to remove, I do not see the battery. I tried to remove the battery ignition and hit five seconds, but nothing about it would be too simple.

Who can help me?



Best Answer by kelvin_hotin
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #79625

Access the bios to change the boot

  • To reset your BIOS password,  simply follow this procedure
  • Be sure to turn off your laptop and batteries
  • Be sure to unplugged any USB devices if they are powered
  • Be sure it will not get any power supply  for this to work
  • remove CMOS battery slowly and don't plug it back immediately wait for 10 to 25 mins the reason for this is even if its   unplugged or no power supply the computer can store power on its capacitor. the waiting period will allow this charges to be consume and empty the supply of power to the computer.
  • Then plug everything back slowly.
  • Then start your laptop in this case the password will be gone
  • Every settings on your Bios will be back to default.
Answered By 0 points N/A #79626

Access the bios to change the boot



To reset your BIOS settings, just follow these steps:

1. Boot your PC and press F2 to enter BIOS setup.
2. In the BIOS setup window, reset/change the BIOS setting to "Default Values" by pressing F9.
3. A message would then appear asking you if your are sure that you want to change to the default values, press Y.
4. After changing settings to default values, press F10 to save and exit the window to re-boot.

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