

What is the development language used to develop this database? Is it RDBMS type? Is it supported data warehouse workloads? Where its data types are different from SQL? What is the code name of it during development? Is it supported MongoDB? Is it supported largest enterprise applications? What is Informix Warehouse Accelerator included in its new version and how does it work? Describe about “workload optimized systems”. How does Informix C-ISAM perform? What can I do with International Informix Users Group (IIUG)? Thank You

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I am a student of computer science and now learning about software engineering. I need to know that what is Process Modeling and to what extent we need it for software development and I also need to know what are the draw backs of Water Fall method for process modeling .

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Hello expert, I am going to create a database using Corel Draw X4. The database about car washing promotion. Before that I have to download the car wash Corel template for my Corel draw X4 version. Expert please provide me the related site and the best site to download it. Thanks.

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How you and your all knowing person know about free FTP sync schedule and when you and other see it?

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What are you and your friends think about infopath with grid and how you and they use its your life?

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I have a provision I feel a distinct desire to detect hardware in VB6 project, ensure by needing my users to enroll. I moreover prefer to guarantee that they lack the capacity to establish on more than two machines. To do this I ought to know where to recognize a novel fittings ID number, and use that in the enrollment code. 

All I ought to know is the way to get that number utilizing code. 
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How to create gui with notepad in windows 7? I quite prefer to make a GUI that when you sort a content in the Info box and click a catch a Notepad may as well pop up and the content you composed in the GUI include confine shows up the Notepad. 


I've attempted this for a hour now and n'tn't resolve how to do it effectively. It appears that its giving me blunders and when I'm rectifying these blunders I'm getting no where. 
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How can I copy a data from one informix database to another without using LOAD? Is there a script that I can use in doing this?

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Dear friends

What structure can i use to get the ISAM error from an Informatics ODBC program on unix?



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What kinds of Informix products are compatible to a specific operating system? Please give me some answers. Thanks!

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