Why there is X mark with Network icon in Notification Area?

Asked By 150 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I have a constant red X, appearing on the right corner of my connection.

How do I get that to removed? Please help me.

Best Answer by monsterbots18
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #104163

Why there is X mark with Network icon in Notification Area?

  • This problem is same as,  "page cannot be displayed" instead of  a red X.
  • The main cause of this error is, the cache of your browser. In order to fix this problem, you need to clean your cache.
  • How to clean your browser cache?  Clicking on the given link will help you  clean the cache of your browser. 

I hope that this solution helps you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #104164

Why there is X mark with Network icon in Notification Area?


I strongly suggest, that you check the Network card that the computer is using.

The causes for seeing a red X, constantly on the local area connection on the lower right comer of your screen is, either your not connected to the internet or a network cable may be unplugged. Also check the Ethernet cord, connecting the computer to the modem.

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