Task manager is not showing anywhere

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


It seems that my task manager has vanished from the chart.

I used to get it by pressing (Ctrl+Alt+Del) configuration or by right clicking on the task bar.

Now none of them are showing it, and I do not how to get it with any other process either.

Should someone know about this problem please help me solve this.

Bruce Norway

Best Answer by Tunacao_Caaron1
Answered By 0 points N/A #116538

Task manager is not showing anywhere



Bruce Norway.

your problem with task manager is not so much difficult. try these solutions.

solution no 1#

task manager usually remembers its last positions and reappears in that position if you press alt+cltr+del. I guess it is appearing, but your resolutions is not high, so you can not see.

So make high resolutions and it will appear then.

solution no 2#

at first double click on any side of the actual border of the window.Then there the tabs should show up.

solution no 3#

restart your computer

solution no 4#

reinstall windows

solution no 5#

run > gpedit.msc > enable task manager

Hope this helps you

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #116539

Task manager is not showing anywhere


Hey Bruce!

There are several reasons due to which Task Manger does not appear by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Del.

Try to use these methods; your problem will be solve.

Method 1:

Click on Start > Run and type the following command:

REG add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

If it not work use any registry cleaner software.

Method 2:

1. Click Start > Run and type regedit and press enter.

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies> System

3. On the right hand side you can see a value "Disable TaskMgr", delete this file and close the registry editor.

Method 3:

1. Click Start > Run, type gpedit.exe and press enter.

2. Go to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options > Remove Task Manager

3. Open: remove Task manager" and select Not Configured.


Answered By 10 points N/A #116540

Task manager is not showing anywhere


Problem solved! Thanks,  

Tunacao_Caaron1.  I followed your method 2.

I run regedit and go to  HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software Microsoft > Windows> CurrentVersion > Policies> System.

Simply, delete Disable TaskMgr.

Reboot the system.

Done! To be sure I performed a full system scan using avast, it seems that a virus caused the problem.

Answered By 10 points N/A #116541

Task manager is not showing anywhere


There, there I saw the solution I was looking for thank you Tunacao!

I was looking for another method to make the task manager appear aside from pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL.

Thank you for the detailed solution, will save that method for future troubles

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