Planning to test exchange 2007 and 2003 simultaneously.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -



I am having two servers. First one is Exchange 2003 front end server and other is back end one. I am planning to test exchange 2007 and 2003 simultaneously. E.g.  Aminoo mailbox should work on both Exchange 2003 and 2007 simultaneously.

Can you give any tips on how I can accomplish this?

I need some guide on how to make this work. Any help will be much appreciated.


Answered By 0 points N/A #144650

Planning to test exchange 2007 and 2003 simultaneously.


The simultaneous work cannot be accomplished here because it does not make any logic. Since both the servers require data to be accessed all the time so there is only 1 that will be using the data to edit it or to modify it.

However you can use them separately.

  1. First test the front end by a sample data and record the results over a piece of paper so that to match with the second one.
  2. Now test the back end with the same sample of data and see if the results match the first results.
  3. If they match means that they are in full working condition and that there is no need to do anything further.


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