No host application was found on this computer

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


No host application was found on this computer. Please install the host application before installing ApproveIt Desktop. This error message occurred when I tried to install ApproveIt 6.5. I am running Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate. Can you please have any suggestion? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

No Host Application Found

Approvelt Desktop

No host application was found on this computer. Please install the host application before installing ApproveIt Desktop.

Answered By 0 points N/A #175859

No host application was found on this computer


This simply means that there is at least one host application that has not been installed. The installation guide of ApproveIt 6.5 requires the installation of the Adobe 9.5 version or lower before ApproveIt 6.5 itself can be successfully installed. If you have an Adobe version that is higher than version 9.5, you need to uninstall that first and then install Adobe 9.5 or lower. After that you can proceed to the following steps:

1. The first step is to Install ApproveIt.

2. Since you are using Windows 7, the next step is specifically for your case. After installing ApproveIt, what you have to do is to back up the registry. You need to go to System Properties. Then, make a snap shot of System Restore tab's configuration to enable you to restore your computer settings including memory, files and available applications of the your computer at that snapshot's point in time if you need to later on. You need to do this because you are about to make several changes to your computer's registry. It's a precautionary measure.


3. Click Start and then type in Regedit.exe on the white search box. Press ENTER

4. Finally, go to your computer folders and look for HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSilanisApproveItSigningRealTimeTopazLib. Double click "EnableDevice and then type '0". Then, Click OK.

Try using ApproveIt now. It should work perfectly well after completing our process.




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