Mozilla Firefox is not responding

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi to everyone,

My Mozilla Firefox is not responding most of the time. Can you please tell me what are the causes of why Mozilla Firefox is not responding and how to avoid it? Sometimes It is really annoying every time you do your task or search something in Mozilla Firefox and then suddenly it will not respond. Please help me solve my problem. Thanks.

Diane Kittleson

Best Answer by lee hung
Answered By 0 points N/A #93942

Mozilla Firefox is not responding


One way of resolving a " not responding error" with mozilla firefox could be easily resolved by, shutting down all applications running on your computer and shutting down the computer and restarting it afresh.

The other cause could be the registry error and this one can be resolved by following the instructions below.Most  of the 'Not responding problems'  are caused by misconfigured system files.

so i would suggest you Go to 'Run' ' and open 'cmd' • Type 'netsh' in command console then press enter • Then type 'winsock' and press enter and then type reset • Restart Your PC

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #93941

Mozilla Firefox is not responding


Hi Jade,
The registry files of your firefox installation in the program files of your primary hard drive may have been tampered with possibly due to virus infection or some other reason. If that is the case then trying uninstalling firefox and installing a fresh one- If you do not have one, you can download it for free from the internet, just Google ‘firefox download’.
Another reason to that may be because your system is running on low memory due to executing many processes at the same time, so you could just shut down some of them and see if firefox works properly.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.

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