McAfee Agent error uninstalling the program

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I want to uninstall McAfee and this error appears every time I want to make this. I have closed all the services of McAfee and still. The same error appeared even when I tried to uninstall the product using an Uninstaller software. Any solution for this ? How can I solve this ?

Thank you !



McAfee Agent cannot be removed because other products are still using it.


Answered By 0 points N/A #178337

McAfee Agent error uninstalling the program

You get this message because the agent is in Managed Mode .
You must remove the Managed Mode from your computer before Uninstall the MacAfee.
To remove your computer of Managed Mode following below steps :
1. Login in your computer with administrator
2. Open command prompt by typing ‘CMD’ at Start Search Menu.
3. Type ‘frminst.exe /remove=agent’
You can also remove McAfee Framework Service from Add or Remove Programs in control panel.

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