Internet Explorer Crashes-Error in Mshtml.dll

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I've experienced this kind of problem recently and can't find a solution on how to fix this kind of error.

Internet Explorer error message is “Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.” When you view the error report, it references Mshtml.dll.

Best Answer by butterfly
Answered By 0 points N/A #87712

Internet Explorer Crashes-Error in Mshtml.dll


Mozilla, this error is usually very common with internet browsers and usually caused by a bug or a wrong coding in the browser's files. You simply need to follow these steps;

  • Start internet explorer
  • Go to Tools and click Internet options
  • On Advanced tab, click to select Disable script debugging check box in the browsing section
  • Click ok and restart windows as well as the browser
  • Disable all third party add-ons since they also cause the error.
  • Go to Start->Control panel->Internet options->Advanced tab
  • Uncheck Enable third party extensions
  • You scroll down a couple of lines to see it.

This should be able to solve your error. Thanks

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #87708

Internet Explorer Crashes-Error in Mshtml.dll


This behavior might be happen because of the Windows XP beta version is old. to resolve this problem use this method.

First of all delete smart tags from your Internet explorer.

switch off or close all the open explorer windows.

now go to control panel and click on add or remove program tools.

here click on remove or delete smart tags which are supported by Microsoft and from there click change or remove

or you can use this method

turn on internet explorer

on the top there is a tools menu click that

there opens an advance tab click to choose remove smart tags now select ok and then restart your internet explorer


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