Instantly need some random wallpapers information for web page background

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am in search of some random wallpapers information about my web page background. Somebody please help me regarding this by suggesting the links from where can get some information regarding this as I want that my web page appears in different background pictures each time when it loads or at selected intervals.

Answered By 0 points N/A #168661

Instantly need some random wallpapers information for web page background


Hi John,

If you are developing the website yourself then you can either download wallpaper and then put it in one folder, and then create an html code that will let you randomize the wallpaper at every click or at every page.

You have to remember that the more graphics on your website in the form of JPEG or the like it adds to the weight of your website and it makes loading time longer.

If you still want to continue here is a link that will show you a sample code on how to make wallpaper random.

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