An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

When I am trying to view the client Access roles in my Exchange directory I am prompted with a dialog error message.

I have recently installed Exchange 2010 in an Exchange 2007 environment.

Does this mean that I need to do some modification on my previous exchange server to get rid of this error.

Please help

Microsoft Exchange

An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created. The error message is Access is denied.

_ HResult = -2147024891 It was running the command ‘Get-OwaVirtualDirectory’.

Best Answer by alwayshurt
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Answered By 0 points N/A #114726

An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created


I can see that you had a problem with your Exchange Directory.

Setup is simple but of a mixed mode organization in having Exchange 2003 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP2 32Bit, and Exchange 2007 RC1 setup all in all.

It would be noticed that after installation, when you open EMC on Exchange 2010 server and click on Client Access server role under server management node you will get a weird error as below:

And as you have posted, this is the same error that you encountered.

And also, the EMS on Exchange 2010 server will show up the red lines too in the command prompt window.

Below is the screenshot of the command prompt.

Meaning to say, if the security group of your Exchange 2007 server is in co-existence with your Exchange 2010 “Exchange Trusted Subsystem” needs to be a member of Local Administrators group on an Exchange Server 2007 box as shown in the screenshot below.

To do this , go to Admin Properties click "Add" and add the Exchange Trusted Subsystem and then click on "Apply" and then "OK". And that will do the trick.

The error will go away as soon as the security group Exchange Trusted Subsystem will be added to your local admin group on Exchange server 2007.

Hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #114727

An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created


Hi Kenneth

Side by side these remedy you can solve this problem by performing another techniques. You will those Techyv from this Techyv post. 

An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created – Exchange 201

Answered By 0 points N/A #114728

An IIS directory entry couldn’t be created


Basically it’s a common problem in exchange server 2007. If your exchange server in co-existence with exchange 2010 the security group “Exchange Trusted subsystem” has to be a member of “Local administration group” on an exchange server 2007 box. To do so, follow the instruction below:

  • Open your exchange server 2007.
  • Go to “Administrators properties”.
  • Select the general button.
  • In the general button click “GEEKLABSExchange Trusted Subsystem”.
  • Then click apply, then ok.
After finishing the above task restart your system and run the program. Your windows exchange server 2007 should be fine. enjoy!!


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