Find the best available animation program?

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -

Can anybody help me to find the best available animation program? I am seeking help to create ‘mpg’ files with Windows and Linux. Where will be available the models and textures for using in POV Ray?

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Best Answer by Experttechyv
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #125890

Find the best available animation program?


For windows operating system, the best animation program that I will recommend is called Toon Boom Studio. It is one of the best animation programs especially for the internet users. When using Toon Boom Studio, you will be able to have quality technical support from its developers if you have any issues using it. The program has been designed specifically for creating animations, and therefore it is a perfect choice for creating your own original cartoons.

But is your operating system is Linux, then best animation program that I will recommend for you it called Pencil. It is an animation/drawing software and it can also be used on Mac OS X and Windows. With Pencil, you can be able to create traditional hand-drawn animation  by the use of  both bitmap and vector graphics. You can download Pencil for free from the internet.



Answered By -5 points N/A #125892

Find the best available animation program?


Hello there,

If you are in search of the best available animation software I recommend you to try Auto Desk Maya

Apart from Maya there are a couple of good animation software that will help you in creating mpg files with Windows.

The above link is full of reviews from professional graphic designers on various animation software. You can get a very good idea about their pros and cons. 

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