Error While Opening Visio document through Visio SDK 2010

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi TechyV buddies!

I am having some problem in opening a visio document via visio SDK 2010 in sharepoint2010. I have placed the visio document on the hard disk of the sharepoint server and the path is: "D:abcBasicFlow.vdw". In opening the document,  I use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.dll of the Visio SDK 2010. I also tried opening it on console application. However, when I try to write it on the sharepoint 2010, it suddenly crashes. I don’t know what went wrong with it. Can anyone help me solve this issue if ever you have encountered the same problem? I have tried to look for solutions but I cannot find any on the web. I also tried to solve it by automating it or reprogramming visio but I end up receiving a COM exception when opening it I am out of the idea of what went wrong. So please help me. I would really appreciate any effort in helping me solve this. Thank you!

Answered By 10 points N/A #146956

Error While Opening Visio document through Visio SDK 2010


Hello Nicola,

  • The Document.Open part could be the one responsible for the error you are getting right now. You should try and check out another normal visio file .vsd and see if it works fine. You can try checking on the local hard drive.
  • The error could also be occurring because mapping is not able to work and therefore you need to use the UNC Path.

If the above remedies do not resolve the issue, try the following:

  • Open Visio and then do File
  • After that open,  and then browse to the file and open it manually
  • Open the file from Windows Explorer.

You can as well try using the .OpenEx method as opposed to the .Open and then set the Read/Write status.




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