Error Installing Additional Software PostgreSQL 9.1 with Stack Builder 3.0.0

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello All,

I’m running with a problem. I just installed PostgreSQL 9.1 with Stack Builder 3.0.0.

But when I was trying to install additional software, I received an error message. cannot be opened. 

Stack Builder Error :

Failed to open the application list:

Error: the URL specified could not be opened.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Answered By 5 points N/A #125714

Error Installing Additional Software PostgreSQL 9.1 with Stack Builder 3.0.0


Hi Diamante,

First you need to try opening the "" URL in your web browser and see if it opens.

If you can view the xml in your browser then you are probably behind a firewall that is blocking your software from fetching the URL, So you need to either configure your firewall to allow the software getting the URL or even turnoff your firewall completely until the installation is complete and then activating it again.

If you can't reach the xml in your browser then this may be a problem in the server at this time and not in your PC.


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